Assorted Wonderful Bee Stories
I have gotten this terrific article about beekeeping at O’Hare Airport in Chicago about three times in the last week or two, so by now think it merits a re-posting here on my blog. The thing I find incredible about it is not only that it is a great example of a green jobs program (former felons are trained in beekeeping), but also that authorities at the airport are willing to let it be possible. What with the stuff of limited access roofs, and all sorts of other safety concerns, I really must tip my hat to the people who made it possible through what must’ve been some difficult logistics and decisions.
In other important news,this story is a beautiful remembrance of Nelson Mandela’s relationship with bees. He was attacked by a swarm – remember, these are African strains of bees – generally far more aggressive than the honeybees we work with here on campus, and in the United States. He got stung, below the belt, and took it all in remarkably good stride. He is a great model for us all in this regard, as well, of course, as in his political leadership. The way the media covered it, too, was commendably frank, given the potential for outcry and hullabaloo, what with all of the Xhosa beliefs about ancestors’ anger and bee temperament. Fascinating stuff.
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