Lazy Bastards Bike Rides
I organize bike rides. They are fun. I call them the Lazy Bastard rides.
The Lazy Bastard Bike Rides are Intended as a celebration of our inner lazy bastard, the rides in neighborhoods that are off of the beaten path. It’s a chance to get out and about around town, to meet new friends, and check out some cool places and neighborhoods. Friends and novice bike-riders welcome, it’s a slow ride with lots of fun stops conducive to exploring new places along the way.
Some of the past rides include:
Lazy Bastards Ride 2015: Le Tour de Fish
Lazy Bastards 2014 Artsy Fartsy Ride
The 2013 Lazy Bastards Birthday Triathalon
2012 Lazy Bastards Charm City Parks and Kinetic Sculpture Race Ride
The Original Lazy Bastards Ride (2011).
The Lazy Bastard principle is this: People have a tendency to get stuck in specific, defined, and often quite limited geographic and social bubbles. This is especially so in cities that are racially and economically segregated, like Washington DC. While all cities are incredibly dynamic, the people in them often are limited by habit and relatively limited “mental maps” of what’s where, what’s fun to do, who we hang out with, paths we take. Doing so is only natural – it’s what makes us feel most comfortable. The problem is that you tend to get lazy with increasing comfort, and you tend to stop exploring. You stay in your own neighborhood, and have little familiarity with what’s outside of your routine haunts. And, you probably don’t get out on your bicycle enough, even in summertime. In short: You become a lazy bastard.