My TEDx Talk, Behind the Buzz: The Honeybee in Global Politics is now online! Please share and enjoy.

Somehow I missed sending you all holiday cards from the Beeyonce and the Bee-Girls with their life updates. I apologize. 2011 was a busy year…

Hello fellow bee nerds! I am really looking forward to our peer lead bee keeping workshops, beginning next Tuesday (5:00-7:00 at SIS, American University)! Here…

Brooklyn’s leading beekeeper, Meg Paska, gives the straight dirt on how she pays her bills as an urban beekeeper. It’s not through running around checking…

I have been on a hiatus now that the semester of teaching is underway. Rest assured, I’ve not neglected the bees, just the blog.Below is…

Great investigative reporting on Asian honey, flooding the market in the U.S.The stuff is banned in Europe, because of the considerable amount of contaminants (lead,…

Bee-yonce and her honey bees ( the hive on top of the SIS building ) have survived the storm! They seemed a little irritated today,…

I have gotten this terrific article about beekeeping at O’Hare Airport in Chicago about three times in the last week or two, so by now…

Anna Miars, an AU student doing a Master’s in Interactive Journalism, did a terrific video about our forays into beekeeping.It’s called “More than Just Honey”…